
Brick production and new products

First of all: Sorry for the long time we didn’t write anything.

Unfortunately the circuit board assembly hasn’t started yet. As you might imagine, we depend on electronic component suppliers for our production. One of these suppliers managed to change the shipping date every time the old shipping date was reached, for over a month. Fortunately we have a tracking number now and the parts will likely arrive on Monday. The production will then be started immediately! The production times I wrote about in the last blog post are still true.

We are terribly sorry about the long waiting times, we are very disappointed about that ourself.

IMU and Chibi

The IMU Brick and Chibi Extension implementation are both ready and tested now. The IMU Brick is available in the shop as of now! We will make the Chibi Extension available as soon as we have Master Bricks available again (Extensions are useless without Master Bricks).