Privacy Notice

Personal Data

This website ( uses the personal data of customers as they are needed for the order of goods (name, address, payment data) exclusively for the fulfillment of the contract. Personal data is, if not necessary to fulfill the contract, not given to third persons.

Service Providers

Payments are processed by the service providers HeidelPay ( and PayPal ( The payment processing complies to the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).


We use Cookies. A Cookie allows our website to 'remember' information about your preferences and many users prefer to use Cookies to help them navigate a website as seamlessly as possible. The Cookies are stored in the Browser of the customer and forwarded to our website as needed. In order to delete the Cookies, please take a look in your Browser help. Our Cookies contain no personal data.

Links to other Websites

This website contains links to third party web pages. We are not responsible for any contents linked or referred to. The authors of third party pages also may not keep the privacy policy.

Comments and Contributions

All your comments and contributions on our website are accessible for everyone. Also it is possible that they are listed in search engines.

Right of Withdrawal

You can always change and delete your personal data in your user profile. If you like to delete your account, please send us an email. Comments or contributions you have made until that time might be preserved under certain circumstances.


We are using Matomo to collect anonymized data from our visitors that can not be correlated to an user account, IP address or similar. Our Matomo is configured to not set any cookies. The collected data includes

  • sites visited,
  • visiting time,
  • country of origin,
  • browser
  • and similar.

The data is used to

  • find dead links (404),
  • find sites that talk about Tinkerforge,
  • determine server workload through visitor numbers/load times,
  • determine effectiveness of advertising/articles
  • and similar.

The data is not

  • correlated with shop accounts in any way or form,
  • used to track recurring visitors
  • or used to make a permanent profile of users stores the data provided by the customer during registration for the purpose of remote access (email, password, name). The password is not stored in plain text. Providing a name is optional and not required. We reserve the right to use the email address for technical notifications, for example, if an update to a device is necessary to continue using remote access.

When using remote access, the connection between the two remove access participants is established by The data exchange between the participants is encrypted. This encryption is end-to-end. We have no access to the transferred data.

WARP iOS and Android app

The WARP iOS and Android apps use (see above). No additional personal data are stored by the apps.