C# - API Bindings


There is an extra section for C# and Windows Phone.

The C# bindings allow you to control Bricks and Bricklets from your C# programs. The ZIP file for the bindings contains:

  • Tinkerforge.dll, a precompiled C#/.NET library (without debug info)
  • Tinkerforge.pdb, debug info for Tinkerforge.dll
  • Tinkerforge.xml, the API documentation for Visual Studio, MonoDevelop, etc
  • in source/ the source code of Tinkerforge.dll
  • in examples/ the examples for every Brick and Bricklet

The C#/.NET library has no external dependencies.


  • C# compiler


If and how the C# bindings have to be installed depends heavily on how you are going to use them. If you are just calling the C# compiler from the command line then you can just put the Tinkerforge.dll file into the same folder as the C# code of your program.

To use the bindings in an IDE you'll probably have to add the Tinkerforge.dll file to the assembly catalog of the IDE. How this is done depends on the IDE and will be explained in documentation of that IDE.

The C# bindings are also available as NuGet package that can be added in Visual Studio C# and MonoDevelop (via NuGet addin) to your project as external reference.

The NuGet package does neither include the source code of the bindings nor the examples. Those are available as part of the bindings ZIP file.

Testing an Example

To test a C# example Brick Daemon and Brick Viewer have to be installed first. Brick Daemon acts as a proxy between the USB interface of the Bricks and the API bindings. Brick Viewer connects to Brick Daemon and helps to figure out basic information about the connected Bricks and Bricklets.

As an example let's compile the configuration example for the Stepper Brick from the command line. For this we copy Tinkerforge.dll file and ExampleConfiguration.cs file from the examples/Brick/Stepper/ folder into a new folder:

 -> Tinkerforge.dll
 -> ExampleConfiguration.cs

In the example HOST and PORT specify at which network address the Stepper Brick can be found. If it is connected locally to USB then localhost and 4223 is correct. The UID value has to be changed to the UID of the connected Stepper Brick, which you can figure out using Brick Viewer:

private static string HOST = "localhost";
private static int PORT = 4223;
private static string UID = "XXYYZZ"; // Change XXYYZZ to the UID of your Stepper Brick

Now we can call the Visual Studio C# compiler in the example_project/ folder like this on Windows:

csc /target:exe /out:Example.exe /reference:Tinkerforge.dll ExampleConfiguration.cs

and the Mono Compiler like this on Linux and macOS:

mcs /target:exe /out:Example.exe /reference:Tinkerforge.dll ExampleConfiguration.cs

Alternatively you can use the C# library and example in an C# IDE of your choice such as Visual Studio or MonoDevelop.

CLS Compliance

Since version 2.0.0 the C# bindings are Common Language Specification compliant. This allows to use them with all .NET compatible languages. For Visual Basic .NET, Mathematica and LabVIEW (Windows) we provide dedicated examples and documentation to demonstrate this.

API Reference and Examples

Links to the API reference for the IP Connection, Bricks and Bricklets as well as the examples from the ZIP file of the bindings are listed in the following table. Further project descriptions can be found in the Kits section.

Name API Examples
IP Connection API Examples
ESP32 Ethernet API  
HAT API Examples
HAT Zero API Examples
IMU 2.0 API Examples
Master API Examples
Silent Stepper API Examples
Bricks (Discontinued)    
DC API Examples
IMU API Examples
Servo API Examples
Stepper API Examples
Accelerometer 2.0 API Examples
Air Quality API Examples
Ambient Light 3.0 API Examples
Analog In 3.0 API Examples
Analog Out 3.0 API Examples
Barometer API Examples
Barometer 2.0 API Examples
CAN API Examples
CAN 2.0 API Examples
CO2 2.0 API Examples
Color API Examples
Color 2.0 API Examples
Compass API Examples
DC 2.0 API Examples
Distance IR API Examples
Distance IR 2.0 API Examples
Distance US 2.0 API Examples
DMX API Examples
Dual Button 2.0 API Examples
Dust Detector API Examples
E-Paper 296x128 API Examples
Energy Monitor API Examples
GPS 2.0 API Examples
GPS 3.0 API Examples
Hall Effect API Examples
Hall Effect 2.0 API Examples
Humidity 2.0 API Examples
IMU 3.0 API Examples
Industrial Analog Out 2.0 API Examples
Industrial Counter API Examples
Industrial Digital In 4 2.0 API Examples
Industrial Digital Out 4 API Examples
Industrial Digital Out 4 2.0 API Examples
Industrial Dual 0-20mA API Examples
Industrial Dual 0-20mA 2.0 API Examples
Industrial Dual AC In API  
Industrial Dual AC Relay API Examples
Industrial Dual Analog In 2.0 API Examples
Industrial Dual Relay API Examples
Industrial PTC API Examples
Industrial Quad Relay 2.0 API Examples
IO-16 API Examples
IO-16 2.0 API Examples
IO-4 2.0 API Examples
Isolator API Examples
Joystick API Examples
Joystick 2.0 API Examples
Laser Range Finder 2.0 API Examples
LCD 128x64 API Examples
LCD 20x4 API Examples
LED Strip 2.0 API Examples
Line API Examples
Linear Poti API Examples
Linear Poti 2.0 API Examples
Load Cell 2.0 API Examples
Motion Detector 2.0 API Examples
Motorized Linear Poti API Examples
Multi Touch API Examples
Multi Touch 2.0 API Examples
NFC API Examples
OLED 128x64 2.0 API Examples
OLED 64x48 API Examples
One Wire API Examples
Outdoor Weather API Examples
Particulate Matter API Examples
Performance DC API Examples
Piezo Speaker API Examples
Piezo Speaker 2.0 API Examples
Real-Time Clock API Examples
Real-Time Clock 2.0 API Examples
Remote Switch 2.0 API Examples
RGB LED 2.0 API Examples
RGB LED Button API Examples
Rotary Encoder 2.0 API Examples
Rotary Poti API Examples
Rotary Poti 2.0 API Examples
RS232 API Examples
RS232 2.0 API Examples
RS485 API Examples
Segment Display 4x7 API Examples
Segment Display 4x7 2.0 API Examples
Servo 2.0 API Examples
Silent Stepper 2.0 API Examples
Solid State Relay 2.0 API Examples
Sound Intensity API Examples
Sound Pressure Level API Examples
Temperature API Examples
Temperature 2.0 API Examples
Temperature IR 2.0 API Examples
Thermal Imaging API Examples
Thermocouple 2.0 API Examples
Tilt API Examples
UV Light 2.0 API Examples
Voltage/Current 2.0 API Examples
XMC1400 Breakout API Examples
Bricklets (Discontinued)    
Accelerometer API Examples
Ambient Light API Examples
Ambient Light 2.0 API Examples
Analog In API Examples
Analog In 2.0 API Examples
Analog Out API Examples
Analog Out 2.0 API Examples
CO2 API Examples
Current12 API Examples
Current25 API Examples
Distance US API Examples
Dual Button API Examples
Dual Relay API Examples
GPS API Examples
Humidity API Examples
Industrial Analog Out API Examples
Industrial Digital In 4 API Examples
Industrial Dual Analog In API Examples
Industrial Quad Relay API Examples
IO-4 API Examples
Laser Range Finder API Examples
LCD 16x2 API Examples
LED Strip API Examples
Load Cell API Examples
Moisture API Examples
Motion Detector API Examples
OLED 128x64 API Examples
Piezo Buzzer API Examples
PTC API Examples
PTC 2.0 API Examples
Remote Switch API Examples
RGB LED API Examples
RGB LED Matrix API  
Rotary Encoder API Examples
Solid State Relay API Examples
Temperature IR API Examples
Thermocouple API Examples
UV Light API Examples
Voltage API Examples
Voltage/Current API Examples