Visual Basic .NET - Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet

This is the description of the Visual Basic .NET API bindings for the Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet. General information and technical specifications for the Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet are summarized in its hardware description.

An installation guide for the Visual Basic .NET API bindings is part of their general description.


The example code below is Public Domain (CC0 1.0).


Download (ExampleSimple.vb)

Imports System
Imports Tinkerforge

Module ExampleSimple
    Const HOST As String = "localhost"
    Const PORT As Integer = 4223
    Const UID As String = "XYZ" ' Change XYZ to the UID of your Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet

    Sub Main()
        Dim ipcon As New IPConnection() ' Create IP connection
        Dim idi4 As New BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4(UID, ipcon) ' Create device object

        ipcon.Connect(HOST, PORT) ' Connect to brickd
        ' Don't use device before ipcon is connected

        ' Get current value as bitmask
        Dim valueMask As Integer = idi4.GetValue()
        Console.WriteLine("Value Mask: " + Convert.ToString(valueMask, 2))

        Console.WriteLine("Press key to exit")
    End Sub
End Module


Download (ExampleInterrupt.vb)

Imports System
Imports Tinkerforge

Module ExampleInterrupt
    Const HOST As String = "localhost"
    Const PORT As Integer = 4223
    Const UID As String = "XYZ" ' Change XYZ to the UID of your Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet

    ' Callback subroutine for interrupt callback
    Sub InterruptCB(ByVal sender As BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4, _
                    ByVal interruptMask As Integer, ByVal valueMask As Integer)
        Console.WriteLine("Interrupt Mask: " + Convert.ToString(interruptMask, 2))
        Console.WriteLine("Value Mask: " + Convert.ToString(valueMask, 2))
    End Sub

    Sub Main()
        Dim ipcon As New IPConnection() ' Create IP connection
        Dim idi4 As New BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4(UID, ipcon) ' Create device object

        ipcon.Connect(HOST, PORT) ' Connect to brickd
        ' Don't use device before ipcon is connected

        ' Register interrupt callback to subroutine InterruptCB
        AddHandler idi4.InterruptCallback, AddressOf InterruptCB

        ' Enable interrupt on pin 0
        idi4.SetInterrupt(1 << 0)

        Console.WriteLine("Press key to exit")
    End Sub
End Module


Since Visual Basic .NET does not support multiple return values directly, we use the ByRef keyword to return multiple values from a function.

All functions and procedures listed below are thread-safe.

Basic Functions

Class BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4(ByVal uid As String, ByVal ipcon As IPConnection)

Creates an object with the unique device ID uid:

Dim industrialDigitalIn4 As New BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4("YOUR_DEVICE_UID", ipcon)

This object can then be used after the IP Connection is connected.

Function BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetValue() As Integer
  • valueMask – Type: Integer, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]

Returns the input value with a bitmask. The bitmask is 16bit long, true refers to high and false refers to low.

For example: The value 3 or 0b0011 means that pins 0-1 are high and the other pins are low.

If no groups are used (see SetGroup()), the pins correspond to the markings on the IndustrialDigital In 4 Bricklet.

If groups are used, the pins correspond to the element in the group. Element 1 in the group will get pins 0-3, element 2 pins 4-7, element 3 pins 8-11 and element 4 pins 12-15.

Function BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetEdgeCount(ByVal pin As Byte, ByVal resetCounter As Boolean) As Long
  • pin – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 3]
  • resetCounter – Type: Boolean
  • count – Type: Long, Range: [0 to 232 - 1]

Returns the current value of the edge counter for the selected pin. You can configure the edges that are counted with SetEdgeCountConfig().

If you set the reset counter to true, the count is set back to 0 directly after it is read.

The edge counters use the grouping as set by SetGroup().

New in version 2.0.1 (Plugin).

Advanced Functions

Sub BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.SetGroup(ByVal group() As Char)
  • group – Type: Char Array, Length: 4, Range: ["a"C to "d"C, "n"C]

Sets a group of Digital In 4 Bricklets that should work together. You can find Bricklets that can be grouped together with GetAvailableForGroup().

The group consists of 4 elements. Element 1 in the group will get pins 0-3, element 2 pins 4-7, element 3 pins 8-11 and element 4 pins 12-15.

Each element can either be one of the ports ('a' to 'd') or 'n' if it should not be used.

For example: If you have two Digital In 4 Bricklets connected to port A and port B respectively, you could call with ['a', 'b', 'n', 'n'].

Now the pins on the Digital In 4 on port A are assigned to 0-3 and the pins on the Digital In 4 on port B are assigned to 4-7. It is now possible to call GetValue() and read out two Bricklets at the same time.

Changing the group configuration resets all edge counter configurations and values.

Function BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetGroup() As Char()
  • group – Type: Char Array, Length: 4, Range: ["a"C to "d"C, "n"C]

Returns the group as set by SetGroup()

Function BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetAvailableForGroup() As Byte
  • available – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 15]

Returns a bitmask of ports that are available for grouping. For example the value 5 or 0b0101 means: Port A and port C are connected to Bricklets that can be grouped together.

Sub BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.SetEdgeCountConfig(ByVal selectionMask As Integer, ByVal edgeType As Byte, ByVal debounce As Byte)
  • selectionMask – Type: Integer, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
  • edgeType – Type: Byte, Range: See constants, Default: 0
  • debounce – Type: Byte, Unit: 1 ms, Range: [0 to 255], Default: 100

Configures the edge counter for the selected pins. A bitmask of 9 or 0b1001 will enable the edge counter for pins 0 and 3.

The edge type parameter configures if rising edges, falling edges or both are counted if the pin is configured for input. Possible edge types are:

  • 0 = rising
  • 1 = falling
  • 2 = both

Configuring an edge counter resets its value to 0.

If you don't know what any of this means, just leave it at default. The default configuration is very likely OK for you.

The edge counters use the grouping as set by SetGroup().

The following constants are available for this function:

For edgeType:

  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.EDGE_TYPE_RISING = 0
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.EDGE_TYPE_FALLING = 1
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.EDGE_TYPE_BOTH = 2

New in version 2.0.1 (Plugin).

Sub BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetEdgeCountConfig(ByVal pin As Byte, ByRef edgeType As Byte, ByRef debounce As Byte)
  • pin – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
Output Parameters:
  • edgeType – Type: Byte, Range: See constants, Default: 0
  • debounce – Type: Byte, Unit: 1 ms, Range: [0 to 255], Default: 100

Returns the edge type and debounce time for the selected pin as set by SetEdgeCountConfig().

The following constants are available for this function:

For edgeType:

  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.EDGE_TYPE_RISING = 0
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.EDGE_TYPE_FALLING = 1
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.EDGE_TYPE_BOTH = 2

New in version 2.0.1 (Plugin).

Sub BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetIdentity(ByRef uid As String, ByRef connectedUid As String, ByRef position As Char, ByRef hardwareVersion() As Byte, ByRef firmwareVersion() As Byte, ByRef deviceIdentifier As Integer)
Output Parameters:
  • uid – Type: String, Length: up to 8
  • connectedUid – Type: String, Length: up to 8
  • position – Type: Char, Range: ["a"C to "h"C, "z"C]
  • hardwareVersion – Type: Byte Array, Length: 3
    • 0: major – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 1: minor – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 2: revision – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
  • firmwareVersion – Type: Byte Array, Length: 3
    • 0: major – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 1: minor – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 2: revision – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
  • deviceIdentifier – Type: Integer, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]

Returns the UID, the UID where the Bricklet is connected to, the position, the hardware and firmware version as well as the device identifier.

The position can be 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g' or 'h' (Bricklet Port). A Bricklet connected to an Isolator Bricklet is always at position 'z'.

The device identifier numbers can be found here. There is also a constant for the device identifier of this Bricklet.

Callback Configuration Functions

Sub BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.SetDebouncePeriod(ByVal debounce As Long)
  • debounce – Type: Long, Unit: 1 ms, Range: [0 to 232 - 1], Default: 100

Sets the debounce period of the InterruptCallback callback.

For example: If you set this value to 100, you will get the interrupt maximal every 100ms. This is necessary if something that bounces is connected to the Digital In 4 Bricklet, such as a button.

Function BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetDebouncePeriod() As Long
  • debounce – Type: Long, Unit: 1 ms, Range: [0 to 232 - 1], Default: 100

Returns the debounce period as set by SetDebouncePeriod().

Sub BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.SetInterrupt(ByVal interruptMask As Integer)
  • interruptMask – Type: Integer, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]

Sets the pins on which an interrupt is activated with a bitmask. Interrupts are triggered on changes of the voltage level of the pin, i.e. changes from high to low and low to high.

For example: An interrupt bitmask of 9 or 0b1001 will enable the interrupt for pins 0 and 3.

The interrupts use the grouping as set by SetGroup().

The interrupt is delivered with the InterruptCallback callback.

Function BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetInterrupt() As Integer
  • interruptMask – Type: Integer, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]

Returns the interrupt bitmask as set by SetInterrupt().


Callbacks can be registered to receive time critical or recurring data from the device. The registration is done by assigning a procedure to an callback property of the device object:

Sub MyCallback(ByVal sender As BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4, ByVal value As Short)
    Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", value)
End Sub

AddHandler industrialDigitalIn4.ExampleCallback, AddressOf MyCallback

The available callback property and their type of parameters are described below.


Using callbacks for recurring events is always preferred compared to using getters. It will use less USB bandwidth and the latency will be a lot better, since there is no round trip time.

Event BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.InterruptCallback(ByVal sender As BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4, ByVal interruptMask As Integer, ByVal valueMask As Integer)
Callback Parameters:
  • sender – Type: BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4
  • interruptMask – Type: Integer, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
  • valueMask – Type: Integer, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]

This callback is triggered whenever a change of the voltage level is detected on pins where the interrupt was activated with SetInterrupt().

The values are a bitmask that specifies which interrupts occurred and the current value bitmask.

For example:

  • (1, 1) or (0b0001, 0b0001) means that an interrupt on pin 0 occurred and currently pin 0 is high and pins 1-3 are low.
  • (9, 14) or (0b1001, 0b1110) means that interrupts on pins 0 and 3 occurred and currently pin 0 is low and pins 1-3 are high.

The interrupts use the grouping as set by SetGroup().

Virtual Functions

Virtual functions don't communicate with the device itself, but operate only on the API bindings device object. They can be called without the corresponding IP Connection object being connected.

Function BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetAPIVersion() As Byte()
Output Parameters:
  • apiVersion – Type: Byte Array, Length: 3
    • 0: major – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 1: minor – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 2: revision – Type: Byte, Range: [0 to 255]

Returns the version of the API definition implemented by this API bindings. This is neither the release version of this API bindings nor does it tell you anything about the represented Brick or Bricklet.

Function BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.GetResponseExpected(ByVal functionId As Byte) As Boolean
  • functionId – Type: Byte, Range: See constants
  • responseExpected – Type: Boolean

Returns the response expected flag for the function specified by the function ID parameter. It is true if the function is expected to send a response, false otherwise.

For getter functions this is enabled by default and cannot be disabled, because those functions will always send a response. For callback configuration functions it is enabled by default too, but can be disabled by SetResponseExpected(). For setter functions it is disabled by default and can be enabled.

Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is sent and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.

The following constants are available for this function:

For functionId:

  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.FUNCTION_SET_GROUP = 2
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.FUNCTION_SET_DEBOUNCE_PERIOD = 5
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.FUNCTION_SET_INTERRUPT = 7
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.FUNCTION_SET_EDGE_COUNT_CONFIG = 11
Sub BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.SetResponseExpected(ByVal functionId As Byte, ByVal responseExpected As Boolean)
  • functionId – Type: Byte, Range: See constants
  • responseExpected – Type: Boolean

Changes the response expected flag of the function specified by the function ID parameter. This flag can only be changed for setter (default value: false) and callback configuration functions (default value: true). For getter functions it is always enabled.

Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is sent and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.

The following constants are available for this function:

For functionId:

  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.FUNCTION_SET_GROUP = 2
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.FUNCTION_SET_DEBOUNCE_PERIOD = 5
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.FUNCTION_SET_INTERRUPT = 7
  • BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.FUNCTION_SET_EDGE_COUNT_CONFIG = 11
Sub BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.SetResponseExpectedAll(ByVal responseExpected As Boolean)
  • responseExpected – Type: Boolean

Changes the response expected flag for all setter and callback configuration functions of this device at once.


Const BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.DEVICE_IDENTIFIER

This constant is used to identify a Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet.

The GetIdentity() function and the IPConnection.EnumerateCallback callback of the IP Connection have a deviceIdentifier parameter to specify the Brick's or Bricklet's type.

Const BrickletIndustrialDigitalIn4.DEVICE_DISPLAY_NAME

This constant represents the human readable name of a Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet.