From now on, all WARP2 Chargers and WARP Charger Stands will be offered in addition to the V4A stainless steel version, also powder-coated in the color DB703 "micaceous iron ore finish".

The dark gray tone DB703 contains a special effect pigment that gives the surface a slight metallic sheen. Subjectively speaking, the color is very similar to the well-known RAL7016 color tone, but it has a significantly more high-quality appearance. In combination with the WARP Charger, which is now also available in DB703, a very high-quality alternative to the pure stainless steel look is created. Since we laser the front panel of the WARP2 Charger with a logo, the front panel is always made of V4A stainless steel. The powder coating is therefore an additional option and incurs a small surcharge of 10€. We have consciously decided against using cheaper steel, as there would be a risk of rust due to the laser process.
Powder-coated WARP Charger Stand in DB703
For the WARP Charger Stands, galvanized steel is used as the base material for the powder-coating with DB703. This is significantly cheaper than V4A stainless steel. We can offer the DB703 WARP Charger Stands at a lower price than the V4A Stands, despite increasing the material thickness from 1.5mm (stainless steel) to 2.0mm (DB703).
In addition, we have made changes to the pricing of our WARP Charger Stands. To enable better price comparability with competitor stands, we have now made pre-wiring optional. This has allowed us to significantly reduce the entry price for the stands and offer them at a similar price to those of competitors.
Die WARP Ladesäule für einen Ladepunkt ist nun ab 749€ brutto in unserem Webshop erhältlich. Ohne Vorverdrahtung erfolgt der Anschluss der Wallboxen, wie bei den Mitbewerbern, direkt in den Wallboxen. Wer eine Ladesäule vorverdrahtet bestellt, bekommt diese wie gewohnt mit bereits verbauten und angeschlossenen Verteilerkästen inkl. Klemmenblöcken. Im Webshop kann nun ein direkter Versand per UPS gewählt werden (59,50€ brutto). Hierbei ist es unabhängig wie viele Ladesäulen bestellt werden. Bei höheren Stückzahlen liefern wir nach Rücksprache ggf. per Spedition. Auch eine Selbstabholung der Ladesäulen ist möglich und kann im Shop ausgewählt werden (0€).
The WARP Charging Stand for one charging point is now available in our webshop starting at 749€. Without pre-wiring, the connection to the wallboxes is made directly in the wollboxes, as with competitors. Those who order a pre-wired WARP Charging Stand will receive it with already installed and connected distribution boxes, including terminal blocks. In the webshop, direct shipping via UPS can now be selected (59.50€). This applies regardless of how many charging stations are ordered. For higher quantities, we may deliver by freight carrier. Pickup of the WARP Charging Stands is also possible and can be selected in the shop (€0).
You can find more information in our shop at or at