
Looking back at 2016

The year 2016 has concluded and we want to thank you for the exciting and successful year!

We released eight new Bricklets in 2016:

Additionally we now have the new WIFI Extension 2.0 as well as the Ethernet Extensions with and wihtout PoE.

We visited three trade shows:

Often customers come to us with a prototype made out of Bricks and Bricklets. They want to use the prototype as a starting point for a product that will be produced in bigger quantities. Internally we call these kinds of projects “industry projects”.

In 2016 we invested a large portion of our time in industry projects. Among others, we developed a system of sensors with controlling unit for a big German energy utility company. The system is used in electric car charging stations and intelligent street lamps.

For 2017 we set ourselves the target to work more on our system of building blocks. For that we recruited two additional full time employees at the end of 2016!

Tomorrow we will release a detailed list of future changes that we plan for the building blocks in the blog. We already look forward to your feedback regarding the changes.