We released a new version of the Master Brick last week, the first customers should have already received them! Because of all of the excitement in the last two weeks we forgot to officially introduce it :-).

The Master Brick 2.1 has several small improvements compared to the predecessor (Master Brick 2.0):
Bugfix: You can now flash the Brick again with an Ethernet Extension present in the stack, this wasn’t possible in version 2.0.
I2C Bus: I2C is used as a bus for communication between Bricks and Bricklets, e.g. to read out the EEPROMs of the Bricklets. The longer the bus is, the harder it is for us to ensure a stable communication between Bricks and Bricklets. With a Master 2.0 and four Bricklet connectors, the maximum bus length was 4x2m = 8m. To increase the electromagnetic immunity, we split the I2C bus into four different buses with an I2C hub.
USB: The USB interface is now equipped with an ESD protection IC and an EMI filter.
Next year we want to update more of the existing Bricks/Bricklets and there will also be many new ones!
We wish all of you and your families a merry, quite and tinker-heavy Christmas!